One of our first commissions for 2025 is this collection of 1830s-1840s-1850s Girls’ try on clothing for Historic Arkansas.
These adapted girls dresses are made from 100% cotton and include a variety of youthful period appropriate calico prints. The ruffled trim on this pink calico 1830s ERA YOUNG GIRL’S DRESS is pinked rather than hemmed as would have been done during this era.
Each dress is fully open in the back and closes with a series of cotton ties to allow young history lovers of all shapes, sizes. and abilities to experience what it was like to dress like a child from the past!

1830s Era Dress for Girl age 10-12

Transitional Era Dresses for Girls ages 7-12

1840s Era Dresses for Girls ages 5 & 12

1850s Era Dress for a Young Child

1850s Era Dress for Girls ages 7-12

For more information about our adapted historical children’s fashions, try on clothing, or any of our custom made historical clothing, please feel free to contact us at