This lovely muted mauve velvet and cotton bustle era gown was commissioned by a member of Southern California’s prestigious Victorian Roses Ladies Riding Society. The gowns worn by this riding club must be authentic to the late Victorian period and must be a rose colored hue.
Another requirement of the club is materials used in the gown must be natural fibers. Many of the riders choose silk for their gowns, but this client was drawn to the large array of historical prints we carry. So for this gown, we chose to work in cotton.
Cotton breathes well and will be both comfortable to wear and easy to launder.To elevate the status of the gown, we coupled our cotton print with a contrasting cotton velveteen. The client wanted something simple, yet elegant and not overly done. So, I added the finest of lace trim in a few select places to give just “a little extra” to the gown.
There is a whopping 8 yards of fabric in the underskirt alone!
I cannot wait to see this client in her gown at the next Tournament of Roses parade!
Happy Trails!
For more information about this gown or any of our custom designed historical fashions, please visit our website at