2017 in review and looking ahead to 2018

Whew! Where did 2017 go? I think I know! After a whirlwind of costuming madness, our year- end custom commissions tally comes to a whopping 155 garments over a 9 month production season! In addition, I led 2 professional development…

New policies for 2016

Wow! We’ve had an amazing year! I feel like I say that at the end of every year, but 2015 really turned out to be one of our busiest of all time! I estimate over the course of the past…

New Policies for Film and Television

We are instituting a few new policies for our film and television clientele: Special Order/Custom Order garments All special and custom order garments are completed on first come first serve scheduling. Please contact us for current availability. Our completion time…

Bustle gown

This month, we made a early 20th century walking suit for a museum in Kentucky. The interpreter portrays a suffragette and asked for two long hidden pockets in the back of her skirt to hide clubs in! Apparently, these ladies…