I recently made 2 WWII Era WASP hats for the Arizona Commemorative Airforce Air Base Museum in Mesa, Arizona. The beret is based upon a pattern I developed a few years ago and is made of wool. The cap is…

A blog award

I would like to thank Alison Boulton�over at Thread-Headed Snippet�for awarding me the Versatile Blogger award! �Alison is a fellow Southern blogger and has the most enlightening and humorous blog about historical sewing I have encountered to date! Thank you…

Blog award- Thank You!

Last year, Labluebonnet over at Teacups Among the Fabric�listed my blog as one of her top five favorites. A very big belated thank you! As part of the award, she requested answers to a few questions. Here they are: 1.What…

Downton Abbey Season 3

IF YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN THE END OF SEASON 3- You may not wish to read this post as it contains SPOILERS! It seems there is much ado about the season 3 finale of Downton Abbey. The choice to…