I am currently doing research on the dress styles of rural American women in the 1890s. I will be designing clothing based upon garments from photographs. Here are a few favorites: Source:Fred Hultstrand History in Pictures Collection, NDIRS-NDSU, Fargo.Modifications…
I recently made 2 WWII Era WASP hats for the Arizona Commemorative Airforce Air Base Museum in Mesa, Arizona. The beret is based upon a pattern I developed a few years ago and is made of wool. The cap is…
I would like to thank Alison Boultonover at Thread-Headed Snippetfor awarding me the Versatile Blogger award! Alison is a fellow Southern blogger and has the most enlightening and humorous blog about historical sewing I have encountered to date! Thank you…
In 1998, Tony Horwitz ruffled the feathers of American Civil War reenacting hobbyists with his tale of a journey across the American South in search of answers to why people are obsessed with a war that happened over 150 years…
Last year, Labluebonnet over at Teacups Among the Fabriclisted my blog as one of her top five favorites. A very big belated thank you! As part of the award, she requested answers to a few questions. Here they are: 1.What…
Did you ever wonder if all those weird and crazy stories and superstitions from the past are really true? Well, now you can read the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth in paperback form! One of my…
IF YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN THE END OF SEASON 3- You may not wish to read this post as it contains SPOILERS! It seems there is much ado about the season 3 finale of Downton Abbey. The choice to…