In the spirit of the holidays… a giveaway!

Hello gentle readers!
In the spirit of the recent season of thanksgiving and the upcoming Christmas holiday, I would like to take a moment to do something I have not yet done here at The Dress Diaries!

A giveaway!

Wuthering Heights and Lady of the Moor inspired cameo

As a genuine thank you for your kind readership, please feel free to leave a comment under this posting as your way of entering the drawing for this lovely cameo.

In your comment, please tell us why you love historical clothing and your most memorable historical clothing experience.

On Wednesday, December 7th I’ll pull a computer generated number “out of the hat” and post the name of the winner. Followers abroad, don’t hesitate to enter too!

About Susan

Hi! My name is Susan and I am a historian, seamstress, teacher, mother, and wife. My passion for history has manifested itself in the art of recreating clothing from different periods of time. Growing up in the American South, I am heavily schooled in the art of recreating clothing from the 19th century. After nearly a decade of immersing myself primarily in the Victorian period, I found the need to branch out and explore other periods of time. However, it is my connection with the American South and the clothing of rural America that continues to be the driving force behind my designs.

2 thoughts on “In the spirit of the holidays… a giveaway!

  1. Susan, Thanks so much for the opportunity to win the beautiful cameo! Your site is just wonderful. I’ve been a fan for awhile now but this is the first time I’ve left a comment.

    As an author of historical fiction, I have a passion for colonial dress in particular as that is the era I write about. A year or so ago I purchased a beautiful reproduction gown and look forward to wearing it to a book venue.

    Thanks so much for sharing your love of history and fashion here!

  2. Susan, thank you for the opportunity to win that beautiful cameo pin. I love all historical clothing, but I seem partial to the 40’s era. I love the padded shoulders and fitted dresses and also the hairstyles from that time. I have some wonderful pictures of my mom when she was in her 20’s in about 1941. She just looks so dramatic and elegant. There is something about the way she posed for these pictures as if she were a movie star.

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