First, I want to express my most humble gratitude to all you fantastic people out there who have chosen to support small businesses during this trying time. Personally, I want to thank those of you who have supported us here at Maggie May Clothing! From purchasing custom made garments to buying yardage for your DIY projects, liking our social media pages, or just popping by to say “I like what you are doing…” All these things mean so much to us and serve as encouragement to continue doing what love (because for us, not making historical things or not helping YOU make things means much sadness).
With that said, I just want to let you know we are having a few challenges sourcing our normal materials and receiving them in a timely fashion. The Global Pandemic coupled with National Stay- at- Home Orders have placed a mad run on fabrics and other materials. Fortunately for us, we have enough stashed in the studio to last 100 years (or so we have been told, LOL!) but there are still things we run out of and have had longer than usual turn around times to restock.
While we mostly handle this issue in house with little to no disruption to our clients, we do want to state there may be slightly longer than expected turn around times. We here at Maggie May Clothing want to apologize in advance for this. We promise to work diligently to keep things moving along as normal and if we do run into issues, we will be sure to keep you in the loop about what is going on!
Again, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT! We love what we do and we know we cannot do it without YOU!
Stay well! And Stay Safe!
-SJ and the MMC team