Wow! We’ve had an amazing year! I feel like I say that at the end of every year, but 2015 really turned out to be one of our busiest of all time! I estimate over the course of the past 12 months, we stitched over 1200 yards of fabrics and completed over 300 garments! We lead 2 hands on workshops and gave 8historical clothing presentations! What a year!
Looking ahead, we will be instituting a few new policies. As our markets and clientelle change, so must we. Effective January 1, 2016, we will be changing a few of our requirements. So here goes:
1. All film commissions will require payment in full at the time of order. Orders not paid in full within 10 days of order date will be subject to cancellation.
2. Effective January 1, 2016 a design fee will be added to production estimates for custom designed projects to cover the cost of pattern drafting, sizing, mock ups, and research (if applicable). Our design feebegins at $75.00 per design and is subject to change based upon individual projects (i.e. the more complicated the design, the higher the design cost).
3. Beginning in January, established clientelle will have priority completion dates. One of our biggest compliments is a returning customer and we would like to say thank you by offering priority scheduling.
4. Our reproductionfabric will now be dedicated exclusively to creating our custom historical garments. Anyavailableyardage will be offered for immediate purchaseon our IN STOCK page.-REVISED 2018- ALL FABRIC SALES ARE ACTIVE!
5. Our production calendar runs from January 2- May 31 and September 2- December 20. This allows us to spend our summer months conducting workshops, giving lectures, and attending conferences. All orders placed at the end of our production calendar will receive first priorityat the beginning of the consecutiveproduction season. We ship IN STOCKgarmentsyear round.
And just a gentlereminder:
All Maggie May Clothing images are protected under creative copyright and may not be shared or published in any way without written consent. This applies to our main website, our Etsy shop, and all affiliated social media sites.
Thanks and we look forward to anotherfabulous year of historical fashion!