Quilted Petticoat Workshop

On Friday, February 20, 2015 I’ll be leading a quilted petticoat workshop at Historic Burritt on the Mountain in Huntsville, Alabama. This sewing class is part of the preconference workshops for the regional meeting of the Association of Living History, Farm, and Agricultural Museums.


In June of 2012, ALHFAM awarded me a fellowship to attend their national conference at Hale Farm and Village in Ohio. It was an amazing experience and I felt very fortunate to have been a part of it! So, I am giving back the best way I know how by offering this MATERIALS FEE ONLY workshop at their upcoming Southeastern regional symposium.

It should be lots of fun and I am excited to have the opportunity to teach others how to sew! I hope this is just the first of many workshops to come!

For more information about this conference please contact Pat McMillion at Historic Burritt on the Mountain.

About Susan

Hi! My name is Susan and I am a historian, seamstress, teacher, mother, and wife. My passion for history has manifested itself in the art of recreating clothing from different periods of time. Growing up in the American South, I am heavily schooled in the art of recreating clothing from the 19th century. After nearly a decade of immersing myself primarily in the Victorian period, I found the need to branch out and explore other periods of time. However, it is my connection with the American South and the clothing of rural America that continues to be the driving force behind my designs.