More Regency Era short stays

Here is another completed exampleof our Regency Era short stays. Unlike the longer stays of this period, these do not employ a busk. Instead, they lace up the front with cotton ties. A separate adjustabletie runs across the top to secure the bust in place.

We have been adding adjustable straps to our design for some timenow. This allows more flexibility in fit (different bust sizes require different levels of support). The lightly boned body provides not only a sturdy undergarment butalsohelps lift the bust- achieving the height so popular during this period.


These staysshould be worn over a shiftbut do not require any further layering under your Regency Eragown.


For more information about these stays, or any of our Regency Eragarments, please visit our catalog or email us at

About Susan

Hi! My name is Susan and I am a historian, seamstress, teacher, mother, and wife. My passion for history has manifested itself in the art of recreating clothing from different periods of time. Growing up in the American South, I am heavily schooled in the art of recreating clothing from the 19th century. After nearly a decade of immersing myself primarily in the Victorian period, I found the need to branch out and explore other periods of time. However, it is my connection with the American South and the clothing of rural America that continues to be the driving force behind my designs.