I developed The Fashion History Pages (FHP) WAY BACK in 2002 in response to a need for reputable online information regarding the history of Western fashion. These pages were initially designed for educators and students as a place where each could come to gain broader insight into how fashion played a role in history. Over the years, The Fashion History Pages have reached a far more diverse audience than I ever could have imagined.
Over the years, The FHP have undergone multiple revisions (the latest being in 2020) to represent a more concise overview of the history of fashion. The time periods discussed are organized according to dominant fashion silhouettes and the exact years are generalized. Additionally, each time period focuses on a central theme. For example, The Romantic Era focuses on Romanticism whereas the Crinoline Period focuses on Victorian Era technology.
Each time period begins with a brief discussion of major historical themes followed by descriptions of both women’s and children’s clothing. Admittedly, these pages are Euro-centric and are written from an American perspective.
The newly updated FHP draws from over 40 scholarly texts and contains a variety of images from museums, art collections, and private clothing collections around the globe. These pages are purely educational and strive to represent both an accurate and objective view of the history of Western fashion.
Culture, political movements, religion, and economics all play a major role in the history of fashion. The culture of clothing has a wide variety of nuances too numerous to discuss in pages like these. Therefore, additional publishings on specific historical clothing topics will also be available in our collective.
Whether you are an educator, student, scholar, or enthusiast- it is my sincerest hope you will find these pages of assistance in your quest toward gaining a broader understanding of the history of fashion!
–Susan Jarrett
A note about researching on the web (c. 2002):
With the advent of social networking and the popularity of web publishing, there is now more information than ever regarding fashion history. However, unlike traditional publications, no one has to approve or verify the content of this information before it is made public. Therefore, it is your job as a researcher to evaluate the information you find and determine whether it is reputable, accurate, and unbiased. Information from museums, educational institutions, and individuals with training in the historical clothing and textiles field are the most credible.
Selected Bibliography: |
Agrawal, Yoshodhara. Silk Brocades. Lustre Press, 2004. |
Amphlett, Hilda. Hats: A History of Fashion in Headwear. Dover, 2003. |
Arnold, Janet. Patterns of Fashion: Books 1&2. QSM, 1972. |
Ashelford, Jane. The Art of Dress: Clothes and Society 1500-1914. National Trust Enterprises, 1996. |
Barreto, Cristina and Martin Lancaster. Napoleon and the Empire of Fashion 1795-1815. Skira, 2010. |
Bernstein, Aline. Masterpieces of Women’s Costume of the 18th and 19th centuries. Dover, 2001. |
Blum, Dilys and H. Kristina Haugland. Best Dressed. Philidelphia Museum of Art, 1997. |
Blum, Stella. Fashions and Costumes from Godey’s Lady’s Book. Dover, 1985. |
Blum, Stell, Ed. Victorian Fashions and Costumes from Harper’s Bazar 1867-1898. Dover, 1974. |
Bradfield, Nancy. Costume in Detail, 1730-1930. QSM, 2001. |
Brinton, D.G, MD and G.H. Napheys MD. Personal Beauty. Applewood Press, 1994. Original publication date 1870. |
Burnston, Sharon Ann. Fitting and Proper. Scurlock Publishing Co, 2007. |
Cunnington, Phillis and C. Willett. The History of Underclothes. Dover, 1992. |
Divine, Robert A et al. America: Past and Present: 4th edition. Harper Collins College Publishers, 1995. |
Dover Publications. Old Fashioned Chidren’s Photos, 2006. |
Downing, Sarah Jane. Fashion in the Time of Jane Austen. Shire Publications, 2011. |
Ewing, Elizabeth. History of Children’s Costume. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1977. |
Field, Jacqueline et al. American Silk, 1830-1930. Texas Tech University Press, 2007. |
Fontanel, Beatrice. Support and Seduction: A History of Corsets and Bras. Abradale PRess, 1997. |
Fukai, Akiko et al. The Collection of the Kyoto Costume Institute: Fashion- A History from the 18th Century to the 20th Century. Taschen, 2002. |
Garfield, Simon. Mauve: How One Man Invented a Color that Changed the World. WW Norton and Co, 2001. |
Gernsheim, Alison. Victorian and Edwardian Fashions. Dover, 1981. |
Gorsline, Douglas. What People Wore. Dover, 1980. |
Harris, Kristina. Victorian and Edwardian Fashions for Women: 1840-1919. Schiffer Publishing, 1995. |
Harris, Kristina, Ed. Victorian Fashion in America. Dover, 2002. |
Hollander, Anne. Seeing Through Clothes. University of California Press, 1993. |
Johnston, Lucy. Nineteenth Century Fashions in Detail. V&A Publications, 2007. |
Kohler, Carl. A History of Costume. Dover Publications, 1963. |
Langley, Susan. Vintage Hats and Bonnets 1770-1970. Collector Books, 1999. |
Laver, James. Costume and Fashion- A Concise History: 4th Edition. Thames and Hudson , 2002. |
Leisch, Juanita. Who Wore What? Women’s Wear 1861-1865. Thomas Publications, 1995. |
MacDonald, Margaret et al. Whistler, Women, and Fashion. Yale University Press, 2003. |
Murray, Maggie Pexton. Changing Style in Fashion- Who, What, Why? Fairchild Publications, 1990. |
North, Susan and Avril Hart. Historical Fashion in Detail- 17th and 18th centuries. V&A Publications, 2007. |
Perrot, Philippe. Fashioning the Bourgeoisie: A History of Clothing in the 19th century. Princeton University Press, 1994. |
Ribeiro, Aileen. Ingres in Fashion. Yale University Press, 1999. |
Ribeiro, Aileen. The Gallery of Fashion. Princeton, University Press, 2000. |
Shep, R.L. Civil War Ladies Fashions and Needle Arts of the Early 1860s. Mendocino, 1987. |
Shep, R.L. Corsets: A Visual History. Mendocino, 1993. |
Shep, R.L. Regency Ettiquette: The Mirror of Graces by a Lady of Distinction. Mendocino, 1997. Original publication date 1811. |
Snyder-Haug, Diane. Antique and Vintage Clothing. Collector Books, 1997. |
Tortora, Phyllis and Keith Eubank. Survey of Historic Costume: 3rd Edition. Fairchild Publications, 1998. |
Trestain, Eileen. Dating Fabrics: A Color Guide 1800-1960. American Quilter’s Society, 1998. |
Weber, Caroline. Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution. Henry Holt and Company, 2006. |
Wilson, Carrie. Fashions Since Their Debut. International Textbook Co, 1940. |
Waugh, Norah. Corsets and Crinolines. Routledge/Theatre Arts Books, 2004. |
Weiner, Annette and Jane Schneider, Ed. Cloth and the Human Experience. Smithsonian Institute Press, 1989. |
Worrell, Estelle. Children’s Costume in America: 1607-1910. Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1980. |
Wright, Merideth. Everyday Dress in Rural America, 1783-1800. Dover, 1992. |