Lotsa Lotsa Regency bonnets

All headed to Jean Lafitte National Historic Park in New Orleans! These four straw bonnets were created in celebration of their 200th anniversary events! Each features a variety of trims with silk sashes.

Nothing spells happiness more than a delicious straw bonnet! Enjoy!

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For more information about these Regency era bonnets or any of our custom historical hats, please visit our website at www.maggiemayfashions.com and click on our millinery link!

About Susan

Hi! My name is Susan and I am a historian, seamstress, teacher, mother, and wife. My passion for history has manifested itself in the art of recreating clothing from different periods of time. Growing up in the American South, I am heavily schooled in the art of recreating clothing from the 19th century. After nearly a decade of immersing myself primarily in the Victorian period, I found the need to branch out and explore other periods of time. However, it is my connection with the American South and the clothing of rural America that continues to be the driving force behind my designs.