WWI Hello Girl Uniform version 10.3

Thanks to a generous collector, I had the opportunity to view three original WWI Era women’s uniforms- one being a Hello Girl uniform.

I have written in the past about the continual effort to draft a suitable version of the stand and fall collar, but now after seeing an original, I think I have finally solved the puzzle!

Not only did I finally get the stand and fall collar right (hooray!) but I also tweaked my lastest jacket pattern and skirt construction to mimic the originals more closely. Here is how it looks now:

I used a very fine smooth weave wool for this uniform.
I also used original buttons
The silhouette is very 1918!
The clean and sleek lines of this jacket have just the right amount of fullness at the back.
I eliminated the center back seam and moved the gussets to the side back side seams similar to the cut of WWI era Army Nurse uniforms.

So nearly a YEAR after I first began making this particular uniform, I now have a FINAL DESIGN I am happy with! This is also now the foundation pattern for my WWI Army Nurse Uniform, WWI Era Red Cross Uniform, WWI YMCA uniform, and WWI Motor Corps Uniform.

For more information about our Hello Girl Uniform or any of our custom made historical fashions, please visit our website by clicking any of the links in the header bar!

About Susan

My interest in historical costume began at a very early age. I knew by age 5 I wanted to be a designer. Over the years I have been fortunate enough to turn my passion into a full time business. You can find my costumes onstage in NYC, on the big screen, and in museums around the globe.