We are just ONE MONTH away from our authentic Victorian Era British tea and I though it might be nice to chat a little more about our venue!
The American Legion Hall in South Pittsburg, Tennessee was built in the mid 1920s at a cost of $20,000.00. It is a Sears and Roebuck catalog building purchased in Chattanooga and is in the Egyptian style. It was erected to honor the local men and women who served during WWI. Tennessee and Marion County had a large number of men who enlisted during this war and sadly many did not return home. This building pays homage not only to their service but the service all of those who have since come after them.
The first event was held at Post 62 on November 11, 1926. Armistice Day events were then held there annually. In 1940, the local Girl Reserves hosted a mother- daughter tea with over 200 in attendance. A May 23 edition of the local newspaper records the event. “A Russian Tea was served from a beautifully appointed table with lace cloth and artistic arrangement of columbine in the center.”
In 2016, a group of local preservation- minded citizens formed a nonprofit to restore the Hall. The goals of the project were to: 1. preserve the historical integrity of the structure (including the interior) as it was in the 1920s. 2. To provide a gathering place for all veterans (as it was originally intended) and 3. To make the Hall self sustaining through rentals.
And oh what a marvelous job they have done! Not only do the proceeds from this Tea benefit our selected charity- Angel Gowns of the South but also helps contribute to the historic preservation of this gorgeous landmark structure!
Looking forward to seeing you on May 25, 2019 for our 200th birthday celebration! About the event.