Time for Elegance

One of my favorite freelance costumers now has a website! If you are not yet familiar with Fanny Wilk- owner of Temps d’ Elegance, her costuming is absolutely exquisite.    She creates period women’s clothing from the Renaissance up to…

Historical replica fabric!

I am very excited to announce I have begun working with a new fabric vendor who specializes in reproduction period prints! Here are three new patterns now available in the studio!      From left to right: Two stripes suitable for 1830s…

It’s the most wonderful time of the year!

Whether or not you choose to participate in the annual candy collecting holiday we here in America call Halloween, let’s face it- October is THE MONTH for costumes! With the cooler weather, fabulous fall foliage (at least around this part…

Thank you!

A great big thank you to the writers over at Favorite PASTimes for featuring Maggie May Fashions as one of May’s historical resources of the month! If you are not yet familiar with this blog, it is an excellent resource…