Hello all! Happy Spring!
We have hit the ground running this season as it seems EVERYONE is making up for lost time! We have been busy selecting fabrics for our Spring and Summer collections and of course- sewing, sewing, sewing! As always, we will share our custom work right here on our blog!
In the meantime, a few notes for 2022:
We have a NEW MILLINERY COLLECTION launching this summer! This new collection will feature ready made straw hats and bonnets appropriate for the Regency Era, Early-Mid-and Late Victorian Eras, and a limited collection of WWI era hats! These hats will be fully trimmed and ready to wear! So stay tuned! We’re pretty excited! I hope you are too!
We will continue to offer our DIY ready made straw bases but will have a limited supply. They should be arriving this summer as well!
We added 25 NEW HISTORICAL REPRODUCTION COTTON PRINTS to our fabric collection! We also picked up 3 new lines of REORDERABLE prints appropriate for HISTORICALLY INSPIRED sewing. Two collections are an homage to my favorite designers- Laura Ashley and Jessica McClintock!
We’ve been putting it off for about a year now. Avoiding it really. Hoping it will just go away. But alas, it hasn’t. So let’s talk about price increases.
They’re everywhere! Our wholesale materials prices actually began increasing in 2020 but we decided to take a little less profit in effort to hold our pricing steady. However, as of March 2022, materials costs have further increased (up 25% since 2020), as have transportation costs. This means, our Spring Fabric Collection is listing at $1.00 more per yard in comparison to our older collections. Unfortunately, it looks like this is going to be the norm for a while.
However, we ARE NOT increasing our labor fees. We are holding these steady as long as we can!
Speaking of which- this is THE. MOST. IMPORTANT PART!…
If you are purchasing directly from our website, you are doing so with the understanding you either 1. are affiliated with a DOCUMENTED not for profit entity -OR- 2. you have a resale tax number. If you are a volunteer for or are a non paid individual at a not for profit organization -OR- if you are using your historical clothing for educational purposes, you CAN purchase from this site. If you are a hobbyist or are purchasing for entertainment use, you need to use our ETSY store so you can pay the appropriate sales taxes to your state. Maggiemayfashions.com WILL NOT COLLECT OR PAY retail sales taxes for you. You may be required to provide appropriate non profit/resale documentation from your state on any purchases made directly from our site.
Thanks so much for your compliance with our sales requirements and we look forward to working with you on yet another fantastic year of historical clothing!
-The team at MMC